Oh, look at that article title! It’s the perfect blend between information and click bait. Hell, I’d say that was taken straight off the pages of Cracked.com if I hadn’t typed it in the box myself.
Now, as the title suggests we’ve collected together eight of the best videos produced about EGX London. I’m sure you can imagine the pain endured while watching through the wormhole that is vlog-like content on YouTube…
…so there was hot debate amongst us at 100XP (by which I mean I changed my mind about the order a couple of times) so please enjoy…
Number 8: EGX – Taylor Swift Lip Sync Special
Number 7: George Armstrong – My Experience
Why was Jesus working at a games convention? Why did everyone chant, instead of questioning why Jesus was working at a games convention? Why has nobody else been asking these important questions?! Why, god damn you, why?! NEXT!
Number 6: Many A True Nerd
For such a big channel, however, it surprises me how bad the audio was. Seriously? You can probably do better, dude. NEXT!
Number 5: Petey – This is EGX London 2014
They take what could easily be another video in the crowd and use their ability to edit to make it an interesting short. NEXT!
Number 4: VideoGamerTV – Some Nice Things
Of course, it’s sort of predictable that VideoGamerTV would produce something good, which keeps it from being any higher on this list! NEXT!
Number 3: BohemianEagle
Bohemian’s ability to talk about his experience should be interesting to anyone who hasn’t attended before and he has an endearing habit of laughing every now and then at his own experiences. Good stuff.
Another video, for those of you interested in the Cosplay side of EGX London, is this one. I can’t recommend it to anyone else though, there’s only so many times you can watch people reacting to a creepy mechanical arm.
Number 2: GameWank – Expo 2
What can I say about this video that it doesn’t say for itself? NEXT!
Number 1: Two Angry Gamers
Oh dear. This is a video which primarily features a man with a big beard doing amusing interviews with developers interlaced with comedy establishing shots. You may wish to watch this video and all of their others, because after we call the assassin out to deal with the competition they wont be releasing any more.
Points can be awarded for coming up with the term “Impromtivue” which is a true gem and could easily be the title for an entire series, but we’re mostly concerned with whether I am actually related to these guys.
For being like us, to an alarming degree, you can have the top spot. Congratulations… NEXT!
Oh, wait, that was it, wasn’t it?
Those were the best videos we could find, but if you have any others that we missed please share them in the comments section. It’s below this article… No, no that’s… Oh. Never mind.